dimecres, 4 de maig del 2011

The last effort

First of all 20 days more and we will have finished the “batxillerat”, the final 
exams... I want to study medicine because my desire is help the people. The
problem is that I need very good marks.  

 For the majority of us is difficult to be calm. We are very worried for the marks that we 
will have on the next exams...  The final of the course is very near, but now we have to 
work hard if we want to get good marks. If we study and we make a lot of effort I think 
that then we will have a prize, good marks and the most important thing it's that probably 
the majority will enter on the career that they want. If someone doesn't get the mark that 
he need, he will be sad... But if he tried he will feel better because does it means that he 
had worked a lot for his dream but it was impossible, or his  way is take another career.

The other thing about we couldn't stop thinking about, is the summer. 
We will start it going to Mallorca; there we will have fun all the time because finally we will 
be free, without preoccupations for the marks, for selectivity… then we only will think about 
the summer!  

What I will do after the summer? Is so far! I don’t know! 
What I know is that this summer will be great.

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