Now I’m reading a new book called “ Si tu em dius vine ho deixo tot… però digue’m vine”. This title is really strange and complicated, if you want you can think about it and I did it.
First of all I asked: this sentence it’s true or not?
When you love somebody the majority of the people say always this sentence as they say “I’ll be here always”, “you are the best”, “I love you… ”
But this people realise what they are saying? It is true all what the lovers can say or think when they are in love?
I think that there are different kinds of lovers. There is the group of the “true love”, this people love his partner equal as his life or sometimes more. There is another group that I will define as “love as a joke” the couple is not in love, the person that you think that loves you he doesn’t do it.
Why? It’s difficult to understand because when you stay with a person is because you love it and if is really necessary you will fight to protect your partner, the person that you love. Some people love another person in a different way, I think that every person is special and we love in our own way.
A definition for this feeling, for the love… is impossible to find, for me it means one thing, but for other people it means another thing.
Coming back to the sentence, I think that when you love isn’t necessary to say “but come here ( però vine) “, because you know when your partner needs you (always). Sometimes your heart goes more quickly and your head thinks about what had happened and what you have to do, then you run away looking for your love.
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