dimecres, 22 de desembre del 2010

The past and the present.

There are people who say : “we have to live the present and forget the past”. The past is past, I agree, we can't relive the past, because we don't know how to go back in time, now we can learn about our mistakes. Sometimes there are mistakes that mark you forever. There are other memories that are so good.
Then when you grow up, you can remember thousands of tinny memories, such as birthday parties, dinners, people who hurt you and you have forgiven but you didn't forget it, people who are there now and they will be forever, phrases, smiles, stages, when you see you are adding years and you don't realize that the next year you will have 18, the time goes so quickly.
When you've spent good times and others which seemed that the world ends, you think and you can say now from the present: “I have passed”, “I did it ”.
All these things, are about the past and it must be present, but now we have to live the present. The past should be a small reference for our life. Always talk about the past it's exciting, we remember some moments, we look photos, we listen our mischief, but the past is past, and we can committed many errors but now there is nothing to do, only try to not repeat this mistakes...

The best of the past are the memories, the frozen moments like the pictures, the faces, expressions in the photos, the friends, the family... the life.

Looking back all the time, we don't realize the present and now is what really matters :)

dissabte, 4 de desembre del 2010

Kintos 2010

Today starts the winter festival of my village, Aiguafreda (Vallès Oriental). It's known such as “Kint@s”. It's a party organized by some teenagers of the village. This year is time for the teenagers who were born in 1992, what means they are 18 years.
The programme of the party is on the website of Aiguafreda, on Facebook account Kintos 2010 and on a magazine.
Teenagers are the ones in charge: they have to organize all the activities for the children, for the teenagers, the adults... Some of the activities for the children are for example: giants, Olympic games, plays... for the teenager they organize a party on Monday and Tuesday.

Though it's call “Quintos”, people write: kint@s, because, let’s say, it’s a way of including boys and girls in just one word. 

Some years ago teenagers used to go to “la mili”, but nowadays they don't and to celebrate it they hold this party. I think it’s important to keep this tradition, because it brings them together and they learn to work as a whole.

The following year is the 1993 generation turn. That means that it's my turn, I will find mates which I have lost the contact with. When I was a child I went to “La montanya”, the school that is in Aiguafreda so I went with all the people from Aiguafreda. With 6 years I changed to another school, that’s called “Sagrats Cors” from Centelles, there I had to start again and, unluckily, I lost some friends from Aiguafreda's school. However, I could see them sometimes when I did ballet, played tennis, went to an English academy in Aiguafreda, etc.
I’ve always lived in the same village. I’m really looking forward to helping organizing the next year party, because I will do it with some lifelong friends, like Júlia, Berta, Cris...

I still have to wait one more year, but this doesn't stop me to go there and enjoy!

divendres, 19 de novembre del 2010

There are some treasures that we have to preserve...

There are situations, seconds, details, things, moments, conversations, friends...
These things are indescribable, we don't have so many words to explain it, especially when we talk about friends. Always since we are kids, we chose the good friends and the ones who seem to be, but don't. In childhood times we think that friends are the ones who give us a smile, who play with us... and a fight starts always with “I'm not your friend” but then we find the solution with a snack or with a sentence “I'm sorry”. We grow and we learn that not everyone who gives us a smile is your friend. Sometimes they just do it in order to seem nice or mainly because it’s good manner. Nowadays we tend to misunderstand the real meaning what a friend is, because each friend is different and special in his way... it's unique.
Now we had different kinds of friends: the true friends, the mates and ,finally, the enemies... Sometimes unexpected people become the most important treasure we have and they are the ones we panic to lose someday, we just want them close.
Saying to somebody “you are my friend” it's quite complicated , but choosing the friends which are the true ones is even more difficult, they are like the four-leaf clover, very difficult to find... There are very few, they make your interior treasure sometimes there are ten friends, five, three.. Always there is that friend who we have had since we were so young and it will be our friend for ever, there are also that friends who arrive in unexpected moments...
A friendship is one of the most wonderful things of this life, which makes you move forward and not lose your smile, because all of us have an smile, a look, feelings, goals, opinions... that make us so special, like our friends are*

True friends are beside you in the best moments, but also in the worst..”